Man is Lost |
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Man is Lost
Heaven is Real Jesus Christ said, “ He came to seek and save that which was lost" ( Matthew 18:11). By lost it is meant, separated from God and destine for eternal damnation in the lake of fire ( Revelation 20:11-15 ). Mankind has a sin problem, inherited from Adam, that is rooted at his very core, his spirit. Man sins because he is a sinner, and in his fallen condition cannot save himself. God devised a plan of salvation in which his Son would die for the sin and sins of all people everywhere. Man can dress himself up with religion, education, social skills, and good deeds, but it takes the shed blood of Jesus Christ, to change mans inner being. Only through Jesus can man be restored to relationship and fellowship with God.
ROMANS 3:10-12
As it is written, there is none righteous no, not one.
Praise God for his
love and the salvation that he has provided!