The Basics
For New Christians
Foundational Basics
Structural Truths
Solid Building Blocks
Study Courses
Christian Discipleship
Christian Values
New Testament Study
Old Testament Study
Kingdom Principles
The Holy Spirit
Spiritual Warfare
The Apostle Paul
End Time Events
The Calling Of God
Contending for the Faith
Wolves in Sheepskin
Bible Topics A-Z
Studies in the Word
A study of the
person and life of Apostle Paul can be a most rewarding and humbling
experience. As I prepared my notes for this study course, I could not help
but be in awe of this most remarkable Man of God. I can think of no one in
the history of the church, that poured out their lives, for the cause of
Christ, as our beloved brother Apostle Paul did. His dedication and
self-sacrifice for the cause of the Lord Jesus Christ, continues to be an
inspiration for Christians everywhere, through out the ages.
Thank you brother
Of the 27 books
of the New Testament, 13 came by way of Apostle Paul. His writings were
authenticated to be inspired scripture by Peter. ( 2 Peter 3:15-16 )
In Christ's Service
E.L. Davis