Exodus |
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Book 2 - of
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Some main persons and events of Exodus Ch.1- 40 Moses, Aaron, Miriam, Pharaoh, Jethro *Other books during the time period of Exodus Leviticus ____________ ASSIGNMENT: Exodus 1-12 Lesson 1 1. What main reason did the Egyptians enslave the
Israelites? _________________ 2. What were the midwives to do with the newborn sons of the Jews?______________ 3. Describe the way that baby Moses escaped
death.__________________________ 4. Who named the baby, Moses? 5. After Moses was grown, why did he kill an Egyptian?_________________________ 6. To what land did Moses flee to? a. Goshen b. Midian c. Bashan 7. The name of Moses’s wife was.__________________ 8. God spoke to Moses from a burning_____________ a. tree b. rock c. bush 9. Who said “ I am that I am___________________ 10. What would the Egyptians give to the Hebrews,
when they left Egypt. _________ 11. What were some of Moses’s objections, about God
choosing him?____________ 12. To prove that God was sending Moses, what 2
signs did God give to Moses?____ 13. After his first meeting with Moses, what
punishment did Pharaoh pass upon the 14. The waters of Egypt were turned into blood, how many days? a. 7 b. 10 c. 14 15. The dust of Egypt was turned into. a. lice b. ants c. grasshoppers 16. The land of Goshen, experienced no plagues. true - false 17. What was mingled with the plague of hail?_________________________________ 18. It was dark over the land of Egypt for a. 7 days b. 3 days c. 2 days 19. How does the Bible describe this darkness?________________________________ 20. The last plague upon Egypt was_________________________________________ 21. What were the Hebrews to put on their door posts?__________________________ 22. What would God do when He saw the blood?______________________________ 23. The lamb and its blood is a foreshadow of what in
the New Testament?__________ John 1:29 “Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” _______________ ASSIGNMENT: Exodus 13-20 Lesson 2 1. The Lord
went before the children of Israel by day in_______________________ 2. In what way did God save the Israelites from Pharaoh’s chariots________________ 3. Pharaoh’s army drowned in the Red Sea. true - false 4. Why did the Israelites murmured against Moses
several days later?_____________ 5. How did Moses make the water fit to drink at Marah?________________________ 6. The name of the food that God miraculously provided for Israel was______________ 7. Israel gathered twice as much of this food on the 6th day because________________ 8. What kind of birds did God give Israel to eat? a. quails b. chicken c. doves 9. What happen to Manna, if they kept it to the next day?________________________ 10. The children of Israel ate Manna for. a. 35 yr. b. 18 yr. c. 40 yr. 11. The reason that Moses smote a rock was__________________________________ 12. Why did Aaron and Hur hold up the hands of
Moses?______________________ 13. The name of Moses’s father-in- law was. a. Jethro b. Samuel c. Amos 14. What good advice did Jethro give to
Moses?____________________________ 15. After camping in the plains of Mount Sinai, how did the people know that God had descended upon the mountain?__________________________________________ 16. Why were the people forbidden to go on the mountain?______________________ 17. Name the Ten Commandments, God gave to Moses.
2._______________________________________________________________ _______________ ASSIGNMENT: Exodus 21-31 Lesson 3 * A three fold division of the Law, can be seen: 1. The 10 commandments 2. Special ordinances which
foreshadowed Christ and his redemption; which consisted 3. Laws that governed Israel’s diet,
sanitation, quarantine, taxation, conservation, ____________ 1. A Hebrew servant was to be set free on the 7th yr. true - false 2. If a servant wanted to remain with his master
what was to be done to his ear?____ 3. Complete the following: Eye for_____tooth for_____hand for______ foot for______ 4. He that would hit or curse father or mother was put to death. true - false 5. Witches were killed. true - false 6. What were the Israelites to do with their land on the seventh year?_______________ 7. How many days was Moses up on Mt. Sinai?__________________ 8. While on the mount; Moses receives instructions, about the tabernacle. true - false 9. The Ark of the Covenant had a mercy seat made of__________________________ 10. What was at each end of the Ark____________________________________ 11. How many branches did the golden candlestick have? a. 4 b. 6 c. 8 12. What type of oil was used in the lamp? ___________________________________ 13. Besides Aaron who else did God set apart to
minister as priests? (ch28)___________ _____________ ASSIGNMENT: Exodus 32-40 Lesson 4 1. When
Moses delayed in coming down from the Mount, what did the people compel 2. What was fashioned from their golden earrings? 3. God told Moses that the people had done what to themselves?__________________ 4. What changed God’s mind about destroying the people?______________________ 5. Moses wrote the commandments on the stone tablets. true - false 6. What did Moses do with the tablets, when he saw the calf?____________________ 7. Moses let them keep the golden calf. true - false 8. Because of their sin, 3000 people died that day. true - false 9. What kind of neck, did God say these people had?__________________________ 10. God spoke to Moses face to face from the cloud pillar. true - false 11. No man can see the face of the Lord and live. true - false 12. In what way was Moses permitted to see
God?____________________________ 13. The stone tablets that Moses broke were replaced with_______________________ 14. While on the Mt. for 40 days Moses didn’t eat, but he did drink water. true - false 15. Why were the people afraid to come near Moses
when he came down from Mount 16. Ch. 40 After the it was erected, what filled the Tabernacle?___________________