The Basics
For New Christians
Foundational Basics
Structural Truths
Solid Building Blocks
Study Courses
Christian Discipleship
Christian Values
New Testament Study
Old Testament Study
Kingdom Principles
The Holy Spirit
Spiritual Warfare
The Apostle Paul
End Time Events
The Calling Of God
Contending for the Faith
Wolves in Sheepskin
Bible Topics A-Z
Studies in the Word
Lessons 1-3
Revelation ch.1-5
What isle was John on? 1. Crete 2. Patmos 3. Malta
2. What
description does John give us of the Lord Jesus?_______________________
3. What did the
Lord have against the church of Ephesus________________________
4. What did he
say, that he would give to those that overcame?___________________
5. The Smyrna
church had poverty and tribulation True or False
6. What did the
Lord promise thee Christians?_______________________________
7. What did the
Lord have against the church in Pergamos_______________________
8. What did he
promise to those who overcame?______________________________
9. What did the
Lord have against the church in Thyatira?_______________________
10. To those that
overcame, the Lord promised?_______________________________
11. What does the
Lord promise to the Church in Sardis; to those who overcome?_____
12. For what does
the Lord commend the church in Philadelphia?__________________
13. What does he
promise to those that overcome?_____________________________
14. Why does the
Lord rebuke the church of the Lacdiceans?_____________________
15. What does the
Lord promise to those that overcome?________________________
16. How many elders
does John see around the throne?_________________________
17. What do the
elders do before the throne of God?___________________________
18. Why were all
things created by the Lord?_________________________________
19. Who has
prevailed to open the book and to loose the seals?___________________
20. What song do
the 24 elders say to the Lamb ( Jesus ) _______________________
Memory Scripture:
Revelation 1:18 I
am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive forevermore,
Amen, and have the
keys of hell and of death.
Revelation 6-14
1. The opening
of the seals brings prosperity and blessings True or False
2. How many
servants of God were sealed from each tribe of Israel?_______________
3. Who was the
great multitude of people, round about the throne?________________
4. At the opening
of the seventh seal, how many trumpets were to be given?_________
5. The sounding of
the trumpets bring more judgments upon the earth True or False
6. What comes out
of the bottomless pit and smoke?___________________________
7. After all these
judgments mankind is quick to repent True or False
8. For how long
shall God’s two witnesses prophesy?__________________________
9. What kind of
power do these two display?________________________________
10. Why do the
people of earth rejoice when they are killed?______________________
11. After being
dead for three days, what happens to these two witnesses?___________
12. Who wars
against the devil in heaven and cast him out? _____________________
13. The devil is
the accuser of whom?_______________________________________
14. How did the
brethren overcome the devil?________________________________
15. How many beasts
does John mention seeing, in ch.13?______________________
16. The beast
causes people to receive what , in their foreheads or hand?___________
17. Unless they
receive the mark, people can’t do what?________________________
18. What will
happen to those who take the mark of the beast?____________________
19. Who does John
see sitting upon a white cloud?_____________________________
Memory Scripture:
Revelation 12:11
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their
testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Revelation 15-22
Who does John see standing on the sea of
2. The seven
remaining vials are 1. Vials of blessing 2. Vials of wrath
3. The first vial
( bowl ) was poured upon what people?________________________
4. What happens to
the waters when the third vial is poured?_____________________
5. What does John
see come out of the mouth of the dragon ( devil ) the beast ( the
antichrist )
and the false prophet?_______________________________________
6. With what was
the woman ( the great harlot ) drunk with?_____________________
7. What great city
is fallen, in which peoples of the earth weep and morn over?_______
8. Blessed are
they that are called unto the marriage supper of____________________
9. Who does John
see sitting upon a white horse______________________________
10. Name some of
the things that John sees concerning this person_________________
11. What does
Christ Jesus do with the beast and false prophet?___________________
12. What happens to
the devil?____________________________________________
13. How long will
the devil be bound? 1. 100 yr. 2. 1000 yr. 3. 10,000 yr.
14. The people of
the first resurrection reign with Christ True or False
15. What does the
devil do, after he is released from the pit?_____________________
16. The devil is
eventually thrown into the Lake of Fire True or False
17. At the great
white throne judgment what is used in determining these peoples
18. The time will
come when there will be no more sea True or False
19. What does John
see coming down out of heaven?___________________________
20. What does John
see proceeding out of the throne of God?____________________
21. What does the
tree of life yield for healing?________________________________
22. What curse is
pronounced at the end of ch.22______________________________
Memory Scripture:
Revelation 22:12 And,
behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man
according as his work shall be.
