The Basics
For New Christians
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Solid Building Blocks
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Kingdom Principles
The Holy Spirit
Spiritual Warfare
The Apostle Paul
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The Calling Of God
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Wolves in Sheepskin
Bible Topics A-Z
Studies in the Word
Lessons 1-3
Theme: Christ
the Perfect Sinless Man
Luke known as the
beloved physician wrote the Gospel of Luke as well as the book of Acts.
Often times he was a fellow worker and companion of Apostle Paul. The
Gospel of
Luke emphasizes the
perfect humanity of Jesus Christ, anointed of the Holy Ghost, who
ministered to the sick and the lost.
Luke 1-5
1. To whom did
Luke address the book of Luke to?___________________________
2. Priscilla was
the name of Zacharias wife. True or False
3. When was John
the Baptist filled with the Holy Spirit?_______________________
4. Name the angel
that spoke to Zacharias_________________________________
5. Why did
Zacharias lose his speach?_____________________________________
6. What
differences can you find in the way Zacharias answered the angel and how
7. Elisabeth said
to Mary “ Blessed are you above women” True or False
8. What was the
mission of John the Baptist?________________________________
9. Why did Joseph
and Mary go to Bethlehem?______________________________
10. In what way was
Mary and Elisabeth related?_____________________________
11. When Mary
entered into the house of Elisabeth and saluted ( greeted her ) what
happened to
12. Why did Herod
put John the Baptist in prison?_____________________________
13. In what way did
Jesus resist the temptations of the devil______________________
14. What things did
the Spirit of the Lord anoint Jesus todo?_____________________
15. In what manner
did Jesus heal Simons mother in law, of a fever?______________
16. For what reason
did Jesus get into the boat of Simon ( Peter )_________________
17. How did Peter (
Simon ) benefit from Jesus using his boat?_________________
18. How did some
men get a man with palsy into the presence of Jesus to be healed?___
19. For what reason
did the Pharisees accuse Jesus of blasphemy?_________________
Memory Scripture:
Luke 2:10-11 And
the angel said unto them, fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings
of great joy, which shall be to all people.
Vs.11 For unto you
is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke ch.6-12
1. Who went into
the house of God and ate the show bread? Moses or David
2. How are we to
treat those who would be our enemy?________________________
3. How are we to
respond to those who curse us? 1. pray against 2. bless 3. curse
4. In your oun
words, what do you believe Jesus means about seeing the mote in
anouthers eye
but not the beam in our oun eye?_____________________________
5. Those who hear
and do the word of the Lord, are compared to what?____________
6. Why did Jesus
say that the Centurion had great faith?_________________________
7. What prompted
the woman, to wash Jesus’s feet with her hair?________________
8. Who had seven
demons cast out of them? 1.Joanna 2. Simon 3. Mary Magdalene
9. How old was
Jairus’s daughter that Jesus raised from the dead?_________________
10. Who was the
first to recognize that Jesus was The Christ of God?________________
11. What two men
appeared and talked to Jesus, when Jesus was transfigured on the
12. Complete this
statement: ‘The Son of man is not come to destroy mens lives but
13. What should we
pray that the Lord of the harvest should do?___________________
14. Why was Martha
upset with her sister Mary?_______________________________
15. What will the
Father give us if we will ask?_________________________________
16. What does an
unclean spirit do, when it leaves a person?______________________
17. We are to fear
him ( God ) that has power to cast into ________________________
18. If we deny Jesus
before men, we shall be what before the angels?________________
19. Complete this
statement : A mans life consisteth not in the abundance of_________
20. Why did God call
the rich man a fool?_________________________________
21. What will be
added unto us if we will seek the kingdom of God first?_____________
Memory Scripture:
Luke 6:38 Give
and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down and shaken
together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. for with the
same measure that ye measure it shall be measured to you again.
Luke ch.13-24
1. In
the parable of the fig tree, why did the owner want to cut it
2. How long did
the woman have a spirit of infirmity? 8 yr.. 12 yr. 18 yr..
3. Who did Jesus
say had made her sick?__________________________________
4. He that
humbles himself shall be..______________________________________
5. Angels do
what, when a sinner repents.__________________________________
6. What does the
story of the wayward son, who comes home, after wasting his
symbolize to you?_________________________________________
7. Name some
things that the rich man in hell realized.( in the story of Lazarus and
8. Of the lepers
that were healed, how many came back and glorified God?______
9. In the story
of the judge and the widow, why did the judge avenge ( give justice to )
10. In your mind,
what trait or characteristic did this woman display?_______________
11. Why did God
hear the prayer of the publican and not the prayer of the pharisee?__
12. Why did
Zacchaeus climb up into a tree?_________________________________
13. What was the
immediate evidence that salvation had come to the house of
14. Name some
things that may be evidence that a person is saved.________________
15. What did Jesus
say would cry out if the people stopped praising God?___________
16. There will be
no marriage in heaven. True or False
17. What was given
to Judas, to betray Jesus?_______________________________
18. What are we to
do in remembrance of Jesus?_____________________________
19. What did Satan
desire to do to Peter?___________________________________
20. What did Jesus
do in Peters behalf?____________________________________
21. What did Jesus
do to the man whose ear was cut off?_______________________
22. What did Jesus
ask The Father ( for the people ) who crucified him?____________
23. Jesus promised
one of the crucified thieves, paradise. True or False
24. When Jesus
appeared to his disciples, he was just a spirit. True or False
25. What do you
base your answer on? for the above question.
Memory Scripture:
Luke 14:11 For
whosoever exhalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself
shall be exhalted.