Colossians |
The Basics
Study Courses
Back Lessons - 1
Theme: Christ’s
This epistle was written because of false teachings that had been brought into the church, which assigned to Christ a position under the Godhead instead of being a part. The teachings included the exhaltation of angels, as well as an infatuation with them. In this epistle; Paul shows the superiority of Christ as Lord and places him as head of the church. ___________ ASSIGNMENT: LESSON - 1 1. What was the prayer that Paul prayed for the
ColossiansChristians?______________ 2. God has delivered us from the power of __________and
translated 3. In his dear Son ( Jesus ) we have________________through his blood. 4. Name some of the things that were created by him (
Jesus Christ )_______________ 5. Christ is head of the body, the church. True or False 6. In Christ is hidden all the treasures of_____________________________________ 7. Christians should beware lest any man would spoil us
how?____________________ 8. Christians should not let any man beguile us of our
reward by__________________ 9. If Christians are risen with Christ they should
seek___________________________ 10. As a Christian, who is our life?_________________________________________ 11. List some things that Christians should mortify ( put
to death ) in our members 12. Name some things Christians are to put off, ( Ch.3
)_________________________ 13. Name some things that Christians are to put
on._____________________________ 14. Christians are to let the word of Christ dwell in them. True or False 15. If we are to let, do you think that this is something,
that we have a responsibility in? 16. What is the advise given to earthly fathers
_________________________________ 17. In what way did Epaphras labor in behalf of the
Colossian Christians Memory Scripture: Colossians 1:13 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son. __________________