The Basics
For New Christians
Foundational Basics
Structural Truths
Solid Building Blocks
Study Courses
Christian Discipleship
Christian Values
New Testament Study
Old Testament Study
Kingdom Principles
The Holy Spirit
Spiritual Warfare
The Apostle Paul
End Time Events
The Calling Of God
Contending for the Faith
Wolves in Sheepskin
Bible Topics A-Z
Studies in the Word
Lessons 1-2
Theme: Paul's
In Pauls second
epistle to the Corinthian church, his heart is expressed in the defense of
his Apostleship. Rumors and lies had been spread through the church that
Paul was not an Apostle and had no authority as such. Paul defends his
Apostlship by giving an account of his service to God shown by his
sufferings and all the persecutions he endured.
2 Corinthians ch. 1-6
1. A benefit of
God comforting us is that 1. we are able to comfort others 2. we feel
better 3.
were closer to God
2. We should not
be ignorant of ________________devices.
3. To whom is the
gospel hidden?_________________________________________
4. What has the
god of this world done to the minds of them that believe not?________
5. What ways can
you think of, that the god of this world ( satan ) has blinded people to
the truth of
6. What does are
momentary light affliction work for us?________________________
7. While we are at
home in the body we are absent from________________________
8. We walk by
faith and not by___________________________________________
9. We must all
appear before the __________________________of Christ, that
everyone may
receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done
whether it be
good or bad.
10. The above verse
should be an encouragement to____________________________
11. When are old
things passed away and all things are become new? 1. when we get to
heaven 2.
when we become new creatures ( get saved )
12. God was in
Christ doing what concerning the world__________________________
13. In what ways
had Paul and others approved themselves as ministers of God________
14. We are not to
be unequally yoked with___________________________________
15. Think of some
ways that a Christian could be unequally yoked._________________
16. We are
commanded to come out and be separate and not touch the unclean thing,
name some
things we should separate ourselves from.________________________
Memory Scripture:
2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things
are passed away;
behold, all things are become new.
2 Corinthians ch.7-13
1. We should
cleanse ourselves from what?__________________________________
2. In your opinion
what would be some things that Christians should cleanse themselves
3. Jesus became
________that we might be made rich.
4. He that soweth
sparingly shall reap_________he that soweth bountifully shall reap_
5. God loves a
cheerful 1. prayer 2. giver 3. helper
6. What does God
do to the seed we sow?__________________________________
7. In your opinion
what does Ch.8:1-9:15 speak of?___________________________
8. What are we to
do with Imaginations?___________________________________
9. What are we to
do with every thought?___________________________________
10. Pauls letters
were weighty and powerful, so was his body. True or False
11. The church is
espoused to Christ as a____________________________________
12. What does satan
transform himself into___________________________________
13. Name some
things that Apostle Paul suffered; for the cause of Christ. ch.11:24-33
14. Because of the
revelations that Paul received from God, what else did God allow, so
that Paul
would not be exhalted above measure.____________________________
15. After Paul
prayed three times, God took away the problem. True or False
16. Why did Paul
glory in his infirmities?_____________________________________
Memory Scripture:
2 Corinthians 10:4-5
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through
God to the pulling
down of strongholds,
Vs.5 Casting
down every imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against
the knowledge of
God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of