
1 Timothy


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Lesson - 1

Theme: Church order

The purpose of this epistle to Timothy was for personal instruction as a good minister of Jesus Christ; also instructions concerning church order. A key verse is found in 3:15, which states, “ ..that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to conduct thyself in the house of God , which is the pillar and ground of the truth.”


1 Timothy ch.1-6


1. Timothy was to instruct people not to teach other doctrine and_________________

2. Who did Paul say that he was before ( he got saved ) ________________________

3. Why did he say he obtained mercy?_____________________________________

4. Christ Jesus came into the world to ____________sinners.

5. Another reason Paul obtained mercy, was so that Jesus could show forth in him_____

6. Who should Christians pray for, so that we might live peaceable lives?____________

7. How many mediators are there between God and man? 2 1 3

8. Who is that mediator? 1. the church 2. Jesus 3. preachers

9. A woman (wife) is not to ______________________over the man. (her husband.)

10. Name some of the qualifications for a bishop_______________________________

11. Name some of the qualifications for a deacon______________________________

12. Name some things that the Spirit says will take place in the latter times___________

13. How are we to treat the elderly men___________the elderly women____________
      the younger women________________

14. The early church took care of qualifying widows. True or False

15. Thou shall not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn means. 1. Let the cattle eat

2. elders-pastors receive wages for their labor 3. corn is to be fed to ox

16. An elder can never be accused of any thing True or False

17. We should be content if we have________________________________________

18. What is the root of all evil_____________________________________________

19. What was Paul’s charge to those that were rich in this world___________________

Memory Scripture:

1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus
